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South Beach

These images are a collection of digital photos, from my daily walks on South Beach, Miami, during recovery from major emergency surgery.
I had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and spent a tumultuous time in and out of hospitals, moving around, fighting for my life. In February 2020 I faced death and surrendered to the removal of my colon. I started over, learning how to walk and care for my life with an ileostomy.

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope Springs Eternal, As Above So Below, and Sea The Change, add another layer of meaning to the South Beach collection, plus offers another way to collect. As well as, focus the subject and emotions toward a shared theme. A time of peace, renewal, healing, creativity and transformation in visual form, to affirm the endless cycle of life and power of the human spirit.

AVAILABLE as 20 x 20 inch prints and as Digital NFT's

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